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Inspire, Succeed, Excel

Covid Updates

1st October 2021:

Wales has introduced a list of ‘wider Covid symptoms’ to sit alongside the ‘main’ three (a fever; a new continuous cough; a loss / change of taste and / or smell)

Full details of the wider symptoms are here:

To summarise, if your child has any of the following symptoms, you should book them a full Covid PCR test. Do not rely on a lateral flow test.

Wider symptoms:

Flu-like symptoms, which are not caused by a known condition such as hay fever, including any or all of:

  • Myalgia (muscle ache or pain);
  • Excessive tiredness;
  • Persistent headache;
  • Runny or blocked nose;
  • Sore throat and / or hoarseness;
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing;
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea.

With the wider symptoms, you are not required to self-isolate – this requirement is still only for the main symptoms.

PCR Tests are now easy to book – please check this website for full details of one near to you:


30th September 2021: Vaccinations for 12-15 year olds - Public Health Wales has asked us to circulate the two information documents attached below to all families and pupils regarding the upcoming vaccination programme.

6th September 2021: Face Coverings - Following changes to Welsh Government guidance for face coverings in schools, pupils will no longer be required to wear masks in classrooms. We recommend that pupils may choose to wear one in any busy communal areas, but this will be optional as our corridors are ventilated, a one-way system is in operation and any passing is done briefly and is therefore considered as low-risk. However, pupils taking school or public transport must continue to wear masks for their journeys.