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Inspire, Succeed, Excel

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Microsoft Office and Minecraft - Free School Downloads

Microsoft Office can be downloaded HERE
Minecraft can be downloaded HERE

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  • Year 6 Open Evening

    Published 27/09/21

    Due to the ongoing risk assessments for Covid, this year's Open Evening will need to be a virtual one.

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  • Changes to face covering (mask) requirements

    Published 07/09/21

    Following changes to Welsh Government guidance for face coverings in schools, pupils will no longer be required to wear masks in classrooms. We recommend that pupils may choose to wear one in any busy communal areas, but this will be optional as our corridors are ventilated, a one-way system is in operation and any passing is done briefly and is therefore considered as low-risk. However, pupils taking school or public transport must continue to wear masks for their journeys.

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  • GCSE Results Day 2021

    Published 12/08/21

    Year 11 pupils returned an outstanding set of GCSE and Level 2 results, with 800 A* and A grades between them and one-third of pupils receiving at least 5 A*/A grades.

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  • GCSE Results Day

    Published 11/08/21

    Pupils wishing to collect results from school should come to the school between 8.30am-10.30am on Thursday 12th August. Parents will be allowed on site, but social distancing should be continued (schools are still covered by different Covid requirements to other public areas).

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  • Sports Day Success

    Published 16/07/21

    In the last week of term the school ran separate sports 'mornings' for each year group.

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  • 3D Printing Club thanks the NHS

    Published 16/07/21

    Several pupils in year 9 have formed a 3D printing group using a 3D printer loaned to us by Renishaw Engineering.

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  • Senior Prefect Team Announced

    Published 16/07/21

    We were delighted to announce the Head Boy and Head Girl, their Deputies and the extended Senior Prefect Team at the end of term.

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