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Our school

Welcome to Newbridge School

Newbridge is a popular and successful 11-16 school which places pupil learning and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. Our school motto is 'Inspire - Succeed - Excel' and this sums up the ethos and values of the school - we aim to inspire all our pupils with high quality and stimulating lessons, leading to pupil success, which then develops into excellence. 

The school is highly regarded in the local area and we are regularly oversubscribed with pupils both from within and outside our catchment areas. Parents value the traditional nature of the school, with high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour, combined with a caring and inclusive approach to all pupils. Examination results are very strong, and at 16 most pupils move onto Sixth Form with a carefully planned pathway developed for them during their last year.

The school also has a long and proud tradition of sporting, cultural and artistic success, with multiple opportunities for all pupils to take part in our many extra-curricular activities and school trips.

Pupils are rightly proud to belong to our school. This website will give you a flavour of what we do and what we believe in, and we welcome visits from any prospective families. Please do get in touch if you are interested in joining our school community, or if you just want further information about our school - we are always happy to share what we do.

Mr. A. Thompson

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